I am an adult
I am an adult
What is ADHD?
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder – that means it is a disorder of brain development that affects behaviour. The symptoms of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. ADHD is diagnosed when these symptoms make life considerably more difficult on a social, academic or occupational level, although the presentation of ADHD is very variable, with different people affected in different ways.
Who has ADHD?
ADHD was once considered to be a childhood disorder where symptoms reduced as you got older, but it is now known to continue into adulthood in more than half of people (studies estimate around 50–65% of people).
As you get older, the type of symptoms you experience may change. For example, you may feel less physically hyperactive or you may have learned to cope with some of your symptoms.
ADHD is slightly more often diagnosed in men compared with women.
Research suggests that around one in 30 adults have ADHD although this varies from country to country.
Useful Links
    The Staring Back at Me campaign aims to help UK women and non-binary people recognise the symptoms of ADHD in themselves, and provide guidance to support conversations with their doctor, so they can access the support they need. Please visit: https://staringbackatme.org.uk/ to find out more.

  • Born to Be ADHD is your portal for information on:
  • Born to Be ADHD Campaign - encouraging members of the community to take action in addressing stigma and misconceptions surrounding ADHD.
  • Stories that Never Stand Still - a collection of inspiring stories from people living with ADHD to educate and empower those in the community.
  • Educational resources - aimed at members of the community to improve care for those living with ADHD.
  • BorntoBeADHD.co.uk is initiated and funded by Takeda with materials created in collaboration with UK-based patient organisations.

Patient support organisations

Professional organisations