I am a young person with ADHD
I am a young person with ADHD
What causes ADHD?
The different parts of our brains talk to each other all the time. Having ADHD means that some parts of our brain talk in a different way to other people, in particular, areas that control memory, attention and behaviour.
These differences in your brain can make some things harder for you – like concentrating at school, wanting to fidget when you should be sitting still, or shouting out when you should be listening.
However, the way your brain works in ADHD may also make you more creative, better at problem solving, or able to do lots of things at once.
Useful Links
  • Born to Be ADHD is your portal for information on:
  • Born to Be ADHD Campaign - encouraging members of the community to take action in addressing stigma and misconceptions surrounding ADHD.
  • Stories that Never Stand Still - a collection of inspiring stories from people living with ADHD to educate and empower those in the community.
  • Educational resources - aimed at members of the community to improve care for those living with ADHD
  • BorntoBeADHD.co.uk is initiated and funded by Takeda with materials created in collaboration with UK-based patient organisations.

Patient support organisations

Professional organisations